Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Eas Label

Get More Out of Your Retail Store Software with a Good EAS System

EAS Labels, EAS TagsAt the heart of every EAS system is a tiny tag that does wonders when it comes to boosting in-store security. But did you know that it can do so much more? You can actually use it to maximize the different retail store software you use. Let’s take a look:

Inventory management

One of the keys to running a successful retail store is effectively managing your stocks, especially if you have a big inventory with a wide selection of products. This is why it is usually a good idea to have some form of inventory management software hooked up to a POS system in place so you can get real-time updates on your stock levels.

The problem, however, is that POS systems only keep track of actual sales. They are not designed to account for misplaced or stolen items. The good news is that by simply attaching an EAS label to each product in your inventory and then installing an EAS detector, you’ll know exactly how many items go out the door and how many items are left in the store at all times. The detector does all the work for you.

Automated ordering

You can even take things further if your inventory management software also has automated ordering functionality. All you really need to do is set a lower limit in terms of stock levels and then have the tool automatically place an order for you whenever it is reached. Just imagine how much less work – if at all – you and your staff would have to do once you get this system up and running. You would then have more time and energy to focus on creating more value for all your customers.

Data gathering and analytics

EAS labels (also known as tags) can also be used to keep track of sales based on how many of them are deactivated per day. In fact, you can even use them to take note of the times when most of your sales happen, which items are selling well and which ones need a little more push. All you really have to do is hook it up to a data analytics software so you can make sense of all the data it collects.

At the end of the day, EAS systems do so much more than beef up in-store security. Pair them with good retail store software and they’ll provide you with useful insights that you can use to better manage your store and ultimately boost sales.

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