Monday, May 23, 2016

Security Tags

Three Reasons Security Tags Should be a Part of Any Theft Prevention Strategy

 Security TagsOne of the biggest problems anyone who runs a retail store has to deal with is theft, and the best way to solve it is to be proactive and make sure you have good security measures in place. Good examples of which would be guards and CCTV cameras. However, if you want to take security to a whole new level, then it’s time to consider security tags and EAS systems.

Let’s take a look at why they’re a worthwhile investment:

They act as a deterrent

By simply making it more difficult to steal your items, you effectively make it less enticing for people to do so. No thief ever wants to get caught, so if it seems that the odds of success in your store are low, then there’s a big chance that they’ll simply move on and look for an easier target.


Now, while more seasoned criminals may still take the risk and try to deactivate or remove your security tags, the fact that you’ve effectively lowered the total number of people who would be willing to try is still a win for your store. Besides, this is where all your other security measures come into play.

You’re not always looking

There’s just no way you or your staff can physically keep an eye on every inch of your store every second of every day. But by simply attaching a security tag to each piece of clothing or whatever type of product your store sells, you can monitor every single item in your inventory with ease. It doesn’t even matter whether you use a magnetic, RFID or any other type of security tag, the end result is still the same.

The benefits outweigh the cost

Losses due to theft, fraud or even misplacement can seriously hurt your bottom line. This is why investing in a good security system is a must for any retail store.

In the case of security tags and EAS systems, the tags themselves don’t really cost a lot of money, especially if you buy in bulk. And while you’ll have to shell out a bit more for the detectors, the amount you’ll save by cutting back on losses still more than makes up for it.

At the end of the day, every piece of inventory that you manage to keep from being stolen becomes merchandise that you can convert to a sale later, so every penny you put into on beefing up your store’s security is definitely money well spent.

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