Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Retail Security

Three Keys to Effective Retail Security

 Retail SecurityEffective retail security does not require complex plans and highly advanced technologies. A simple strategy that that involves three basic elements is usually enough to get the job done. Let’s take a look:

Hiring the right people, training everyone else

Start by getting people who have experience in loss prevention in the retail industry. Retailers like yourself, in most cases, are not really experts when it comes to retail security, so you need someone who knows exactly what to keep an eye out for, how to respond to perceived threats and how to react when an incident does actually happen.

But what about your staff? Well, this is where the “training everyone else” part comes in. Everything you learn from your security team must be passed on to every member of your staff. Keep in mind that guards can only cover so much ground. You’ll need all the help you can get in keeping your store safe. From the management team all the way to the interns (if you have any), everyone should know at least the basics of retail security.

Making theft difficult

When it comes to theft prevention, simply making committing the act more challenging goes a long, long way. Most would-be shoplifters would just move on to an easier target instead of running the risk of getting caught. And for anyone else who’s still bold enough to try, there are still other security measures to worry about.

So, how exactly do you make theft more difficult? Well, for starters, get a good electronic article surveillance (EAS) system. By simply attaching electronic tags on all your products and then installing sensors on all entry and exit points, you automatically make it much more challenging for people to bring unpaid merchandise out.

Recording everything

Of course, no solution works 100% of the time. More seasoned shoplifters would probably figure out a way to beat your store’s security. But this is where a good CCTV system comes in. By making sure that you record everyone who comes in and goes out of your store – and what they do while inside – you significantly increase your chances of catching shoplifters even after the theft has already been committed.

At the end of the day, experienced and well-trained people, a deterrent and a good video recording system are all you really need to beef up your store’s security.

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